A Matter Of Time

GUI Created For Skyrim

Not long after the release of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, I was contacted by a mod author requesting graphics. He was creating a mod to track the passage of time in-game and wanted a mechanism that looked like it could have been developed by the Dwemer. The Dwemer were an ancient technologically advanced race, which had long since disappeared from Tamriel.

The graphics for A Matter of Time were immensely fun to create. Since the mythology of The Elder Scrolls series is incredibly deep, and constellations are central to its narrative, I felt an instrument based on ancient astrolabes would be perfect. The final product was made up of four rings: the central ring, tracking solar and lunar cycles with a revolving sun and moons; next, a rotating band of constellations tracking their seasonal rise and fall; finally the two outer rings, tracking the month and time of day in-game.

A Matter Of Time - Splash Art
A Matter Of Time - Day
A Matter Of Time - Night