by dcaparo | Feb 18, 2020
Dark Souls III Dark Souls III is the final installment of the Dark Souls series. Set in the Kingdom of Lothric, the approaching apocalypse is brought about by the eternal conflict between the Age of Fire and those marked by the Darksign. As I was working on the design...
by dcaparo | Jan 14, 2020
A Fractured Land Tales Of The Northern Realms As I was wrapping up The Witcher III: Wild Hunt guide, the Project Editor mentioned to me that the Author had been writing a piece, for his own amusement. A manuscript about the factions in the game from the perspective of...
by dcaparo | Dec 31, 2019
The Last Of Us Working on this book just after watching a video by the BBC, about the effect of the Cordyceps fungus on insects, was a surreal experience. Not surprisingly the plague in The Last of Us is based in part on Cordyceps. There are multiple elements that I...
by dcaparo | Dec 24, 2019
Undertaker 25 Years Of Destruction A legend unlike any other, Undertaker has spent a quarter century vanquishing the poor souls of sports-entertainment’s most storied names. Along the way he has gained an unmatched measure of admiration from his fans and an undeniable...
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